Risk Assessment
Early Detection
Early Intervention
Improved Outcome

Advanced Liquid Biopsy & Genomic Medicine

Disease Risk, Prevention, Detection, & Treatment

Welcome to the future of medicine. �

Galleri Blood Test by Grail Diagnostics

It is time to look at cancer more broadly, in addition to the 5 cancers that are routinely screened for today.

The most important cancer is the one that you or your loved one may have � and beating it starts with knowing you have�it.

The Galleri test looks for a signal present in the blood that could indicate the presence of 50 different cancers. If a cancer signal is detected, the results can point to where in the body the cancer signal is coming from�to help guide your next�steps. Early detection means better outcome.

Genetic Risk Assessment by Invitae

Genetic testing or sequencing DNA is the cornerstone of personalized medicine. �Doctors can detect illness, select better treatments, and predict susceptibility to diseases. �Predicting the future is empowering, but it also risks the potential harm of distress, anxiety, and inappropriate treatment. �Interpreting a person�s DNA in the context of a very sophisticated crystal ball requires deep medical knowledge and an understanding of the humanism and psychological aspects of relaying results.

Knowing that one has a higher chance of developing a disease should trigger the development of personalized care-plans that could decrease the chance of disease. �For example, a person with an increased risk of colon cancer might undergo colonoscopy earlier in life. �Reliable predictive information allows patients and doctors to take better control of their future. �This is the best of circumstances.

We all interpret results based on our own individual experiences. �This includes cultural background, education, family and social histories. �It is Dr. Schroeder�s goal to provide all of his patient�s test results in an understandable way. �This is the platform for informed decisions and lifestyle modifications. �Together we will create a surveillance plan targeting higher probability diseases on your profile.

Phone:� 310-734-4594
Address:� 9401 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 515, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

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