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Telemedicine & Second Opinion Consultation

There is no reason why anyone with an internet connection or phone line should not have access to telemedicine or a second opinion consultation.� This is especially important when the medical problem is complex or not fully understood.� Sometimes the quality of healthcare is less than desirable in a person's locale.� Sometimes there are simply too many options and no clear direction.� Whatever the issue, Dr. Schroeder is happy to help sort out the problems and help you prioritize.

Dr. Schroeder is available to perform telemedicine or give second opinion consultations that include record review, video conference, phone calls, or face to face meetings.� He has national as well as international experience.� Depending on the situation, Dr. Schroeder will create a cohesive plan that guides local doctors or recommend a center of excellence outside of your home town.

Please call our office to set up a virtual visit or second opinion, 310-432-4260.

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Buy tadalafil 10mg daily for 6 months. It improved my sleep, appetite, stress levels and body hair. Although I had noticed a significant improvement in my quality of life, I was not aware that this particular form of tadalafil had a significant side effect. I experienced a severe blood clotting issue. After about 6 months of using 10mg tadalafil daily, I experienced a massive blood clot. I was rushed to the hospital and buy tadalafil 5mg was given a blood clotting medication. I also was given a blood thinners. My doctor explained to me that this occurred because the blood clotting medication was causing the blood to buy tadalafil in usa clump together. He explained that if the blood started to form on my brain, then I would not die, but if it did not form and I stayed in the emergency room, then I would die. was in the ER for about 4 to 5 hours before being placed in an induced coma and taken off all medical drugs so that I and the doctors wouldn't know I had the blood clotting medication. My work showed that the blood clotting medication was preventing me from getting sick, so they gave me anti- clotting medication for 6 weeks and all of the blood clots disappeared without me even asking for any. The following evening I decided to go a party but after I arrived at the party people started to stare at me and laugh me. I decided to leave before the party got to point where I was staring at Where to buy clomid in usa people and making uncomfortable. I had no idea that having a clot in my brain would be something that last for the rest of my life, but it happened. I could only feel this after I left the party. would never forget what the doctors said and I had to suffer through in hopes of getting the clot removed. I am kind of person that never wants to see my blood clots in brain again, and while I am taking medication to stop it from happening, I have to remember take my blood thinners every day so that the blood clot is never able to form in the first place. I realize that tadalafil is a very safe drug. I am glad that the FDA approved it to prevent blood clots in the brain because at time I was using it, didn't know that I was taking a very dangerous drug. In 2017 and 2018 my risk of dying from a blood clot in the brain is still low. However, I have learned that tadalafil is something should never be used by anyone under age 25 because the potential risks are very high. If I am being honest with myself, I know that should have never been on tadalafil. I am sorry that took this medication without reading anything about it and I am sorry that went with